Thursday, November 21, 2013

Friday the 13th...Save yourself!

Another Friday the 13th is right around the corner (12/13/2013) and the evil spirits and bad luck peddlers could be knocking at your door. Stay inside? Skip work? Grab your lucky rabbit’s foot? Are you among the reported 8% of the population that suffers from “Triskaidekaphobia”? #SayWhat: the Fear of Friday the 13th. Well here are several ways you can protect yourself and ward off that negative energy as you navigate the abundance of superstitions that lie in wait. Some of these preventive measures you may be familiar with others may sound a bit odd.
Stay away from that black cat down the street!


Are you worried what your friends and coworkers may think of your superstitious ways? Don’t be-- now is the time to take action. And this is one of those rare instances where more is better. So get the garlic out of the fridge, rosemary from the spice rack and the wind chimes out of the closet! You're going to need them. Here are a few things you may need:
  1. Horseshoes
  2. Wind chimes
  3. Wishbone
  4. Cinnamon sticks
  5. Rosemary wreath
  6. Egg Shells
It seems that in many parts of the world, even with all our diverse cultures and beliefs, the act of hanging a protective charm on our doors to bring luck or keep evil spirits out of our homes is widely practiced 
A Horseshoe on the door will repel witches from entering your house and bring good luck to all who pass, it must be hung over your door, may either be nailed facing up or down. traced back to the 16th century English.
Wind chimes are guaranteed to scare bad spirits. “if you can get past the annoying sound” Indian wind bells and ceramic chimes from China, were used to protect homes. Japanese glass chimes will bring good luck!
Crushed Egg Shells need to be used sprinkle the powder for protection about the home where you feel evil spirits may be. Placed in a small pouch and carry it today for added protection.
So toss a little salt, burn a bit of sage and keep a sharp eye pealed for pennies on the ground.. You are now prepared to set forth on the next Friday the 13th, confidant that you are well protected.

The Boogeyman

Who is the Boogeyman? What does he do for a living? and why do parents feel the need to scare young children into submission with horrifying tales of this night dwellers exploits? Growing up in the small town of Sandersville, GA, we had this one really creepy elderly man that lived next door to us. “Jerry” was his name. We couldn’t go by his place without him yelling out “The Boogeyman’s gonna get you kids…He’ll getcha!” Now when your a six year-old riding your Big Wheel down to play with your friend something like that will scare the crap out of you. I remember my little cousin waking up in the middle of the of the night screaming “The Boogeyman…. the BOOooGeyMaN” Sure it’s funny now! But that kind of thing sticks with a kid.

Wikipedia defines the Boogeyman as: “an amorphous imaginary being used by adults to frighten children into compliant behavior. The monster has no specific appearance” Some countries call him the “Sack Man” and he carries children away at night in his old sack if they're not good! Now why in the world would you tell your kids that story? As if being a kid isn’t tough enough.. now they have to stand watch every night for a nondescript guy with a sack? Hey! I am all for warning my kids about the dangers of this world, strangers, look both ways before crossing the street! I do draw the line at the sack man – after all...a kid needs their sleep.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

7 Nightmares

The Haunted Manor of Davisboro simply reeks with the stuff of nightmares, dreams so horrible you wake to the sound of your own screams, drenched in sweat that stinks of terror. It might surprise you to know that all human beings experience the same 7 nightmares – repeatedly – and they generally don’t involve monsters. Have you ever been haunted by any of these dreams?

Falling From A Great Height
When we dream of falling from a great height, in our waking life we’re experiencing something over which we have no control and which has a great potential for failure. This nightmare is your subconscious’s way of telling you that you need to either relax or quit relying on Fate to control your destiny.

Loosing Your Teeth
Dreaming that you’re losing your teeth can signify a couple of things. Your smile is the first thing people see and, right now, perhaps you’re concerned about your appearance for some reason. Teeth are used to rip and tear and chew, they signify power. Are you involved in some type of power struggle? It may also signal that you’re worried about making a fool of yourself. Are you planning to give a presentation at the office tomorrow?

You’re Naked in Public
We choose our clothing based on the image we want to present to the world. The problem is, that image is often not who we really are. When you dream you’re naked in a public place it’s because you fear people will see the real you.

You’re Trapped
You’re locked in the basement, trapped in a room with no doors, or forever running through a maze with no exit. When you dream you’re trapped in some way it means you’re feeling confined in some area of your life – trapped in a dead-end job or in a difficult relationship.

You’re Driving In An Out-of-Control Car
Dreaming that you drive off the bridge or go careening into a tree or you’re driving on an impossibly steep, twisty road is a sure sign your waking life is out of control. If you also dream that you’re a passenger in the car and no one is driving, this suggests that you’re refusing to accept responsibility for your situation.

You’re Being Chased
You may not ever see who or what is chasing you but you know it’s back there and it’s getting closer. When you dream you’re being chased it means generally means you’re trying to flee a situation that’s unconquerable.

Your Own Death
While it might seem pretty horrifying to dream about your own death, it actually signifies something positive. Dreaming of your own death means there are big changes in store for you. If you’re in a difficult or unhealthy work or personal relationship, you can look forward to its imminent demise.

Did you know?

Did you know that Weird Tales magazine is back in publication? Shame on you if you didn't. The classic old school horror pulp, which boasted such authors as H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard among its contributors, has been back for a little while now, and I strongly encourage you to support it. We need solid outlets for new horror short fiction, and I can think of no better home for it than the legendary Weird Tales. 

Scary Clown Says "Thank You!"

THANK YOU for an AWESOME Season! 
From all of us at "Haunted Manor of Davisboro," we would like to THANK YOU for your continued support this year! Please tell your friends about us, help us spread the word! Whether you are a fan of horror movies or Halloween, love to be terrified out of your wits, or just enjoy the detail of a highly interactive one-of-a-kind haunted house, the Haunted Manor is sure to haunt you!

We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and give SUPREME THANKS to our AMAZING CAST, TALENTED CREW, and EVERYONE INVOLVED in making the Haunted Manor a successful event each year! We could not do it without you!

We are already VERY excited about 2014 - our THIRD year!
Look for updates real soon...